Al Basma company aims to support women to obtain higher incomes, improve access to and control of resources, and increase security, including protection from violence. These efforts are in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In particular, with Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which calls for “giving women equal rights to economic resources, as well as to access to property and other financial services”. As well as Goal 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals, that calls for “promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. As evidence shows that gender equality makes a significant contribution to the advancement of societies’ economies and sustainable development, ensuring that A better life for women, men and society as a whole.
Al-Basma Company engages in all construction and contracting works, in addition to contracts for the supply of tenders of various kinds. The company provides its services in accordance with the highest quality standards and in a manner that guarantees customer satisfaction upon delivery.
The company operates within the framework of a clear strategic plan that aims to improve the country’s infrastructure, which will enable the national economy to grow.
The company also seeks in implementing its goals to empower women and support their ability to succeed and to become economically able, and have the ability to make economic decisions and take action accordingly and to be part in the development of the contracting, construction and supplies sector on the national level.
We strive to be the leading group in providing the highest levels of technology and quality in the field of construction, supply and renewable energy, and to always be the first choice for customers.
1. Supporting solutions aimed at protecting the environment
2.Involving women in the labor market and promoting social justice
3.Provides all the needs and desires of the customer
4.Improving employee efficiency
5.Striving for success
6.Expanding the company’s activities internationally
Innovating solutions to develop infrastructure and energy to enable the national economy to grow, with the company’s human wealth and capabilities represented by its skilled and experienced employees.