Al-Basma Contracting and Import Company is a company that works in the field of importing goods and products from other countries to sell them in the local market or distribute them to other companies. The import process includes many steps, such as identifying the required products and commodities, contracting with foreign suppliers, conducting logistical operations for shipping and storing products, and completing customs procedures and customs clearance.

Import of Hygiene Bags
We provide hygiene bags necessary to maintain high hygiene standards. Our hygiene bags are designed for different uses and come in various sizes to accommodate different settings, from hospitals to public restrooms and sanitizing. With our range of high quality hygiene bags, our customers can maintain a clean and safe environment.

Importing Materials for Water Networks and Pumps
Al-Basma Company supplies the best types of materials for water networks and high-quality pumps of all kinds

Importing Solar Energy Items
Supplying solar energy items and materials from all sources to customers at competitive prices in partnership with the most important and largest suppliers in this field to ensure the quality of work and the price includes supervision of supply + installation to ensure that it reaches the customer with high quality

Import of Electrical Equipment
Electrical equipment Sustainable energy is supplied from all sources through corporate activity that adheres to high standards, achieves the best use of resources and protects the environment

Installing and Importing Water Networks
Installing, preparing and supplying water by dealing with specialists in the process of organizing and supervising the process Installing home rental networks. Installation of irrigation and sewage networks – Installing well pumps. environmental sanitation services.

Import of Food Baskets
The company is interested in supplying all food commodities to all governorates As the company focuses on supplying foodstuffs of all kinds